Before requesting an appointment with one of our clinicians, it may be worth looking at our self-referrals page to check if a surgery appointment is needed for the service you require.
How to Request an Appointment
You can request an appointment in the following ways:
- Visiting our Consulting Room
- Online at:
- Calling the surgery on 0161 983 0800
Telephone Consultations
The doctor may be able to give telephone advice after morning surgery. Please request a telephone appointment when you contact the surgery.
Please note that the receptionist may ask what the appointment is regarding in order to help clarify whether a telephone appointment or a face to face appointment is more appropriate for you.
Attending Appointments
Please make sure that you arrive on time for the appointment as it may not be possible for the doctor to see you if you are late.
Please arrive five minutes before your appointment time to allow time to check in at reception. For evening clinics, please arrive 10 minutes before your appointment time.
Patients with repeated non attendances cause significant problems for other patients and may be asked to leave the practice if warnings are not heeded.
Cancelling Appointments
If you are unable to keep an appointment please let us know as soon as possible – this may enable someone else to be seen.
Enhanced Access Service
More Appointments, More Flexibility.
We now offer additional evening and weekend appointments to better suit your schedule.
What’s Available?
- GP Appointments
- Nurse & Healthcare Assistant Services
- Vaccinations & Immunisations
- Health Checks & Screenings
- Long-Term Condition Reviews
- Mental Health Support
- Physiotherapy & More
When & Where?
Appointments are available:
- Evenings & Weekends
- Across participating local GP practices
How to Book?
- Speak to your GP Practice Reception Team
- Call during normal working hours to schedule an appointment
Why Choose Enhanced Access?
- More convenient appointment times
- Access to a range of healthcare professionals
Ask at Reception for More Information.